2011-11-14 01:39:41 UTC
" You probably don't really want to delete your profile. It is much better to remove unwanted information from your profile using the Settings page (link at the top right of the page when you are logged in) or by leaving any groups which no longer apply to you (Go to the group page and click the 'leave group' link). If you are still sure you want to delete your profile then remember that deleting your profile is permanent. You will lose all your friends. You will lose all your groups. All your profile information will be deleted. You will lose your music playlist and you will no longer be able to access unlimited free music tailored to your personal taste. If you are absolutely sure you want to delete your profile then you must first log in using your Facebook account to identify yourself as the genuine owner of the profile (if your Facebook account has been deleted then you need to re-enable it temporarily in order to do this). Once you have completed the login process you can then delete your profile here. Remember, unlike Facebook deleting a Profile Engine profile is permanent and you will not be able to reverse the process or log in again afterwards. Are you sure this is what you want to do?
Update 10th Nov 2011. Due to the ongoing fault at Facebook, Facebook login for deleting Profile Engine profiles is currently unavailable. Many users can still login and delete a profile by clicking the login button and then the "email me a password" link. If this does not work for you and you need your profile removed quickly (normal login service will be resumed soon) you can email us attaching official photo identification (eg. a passport or drivers license). ID is necessary to verify that you are the genuine owner of the profile you want deleted. You may black out any parts of the ID which are not needed to identify you. Please also ensure that your email includes the full URL (web address) of the proifle you want deleted. Email address: help AT profiletechnology.net "
What a disgusting condescending attitude 'u dont really want want to delete your account' !! They are violating my privacy and that of other people who have deleted their Facebook accounts! I cannot believe no one has raised an issue about Profile Engine yet!!
Please help !